Healthy Communities

Health education staff at the Madison County Health Department offer quality education programs for health department patients and the community at large. Programs that help promote healthy lifestyles are available for local worksites, schools and colleges, faith communities, preschools, community groups, and individuals.

Health Promotion Programs

Tobacco cessation, prevention and control for adults and youth
School health programs
Lamaze/Childbirth classes
Nutrition and Physical Activity promotion
Public Health Preparedness
Others upon request
Ask about the “Chronic Disease Self Management Course” for interested Madison County residents. This workshop lasts 2 ½ hours each week for 6 weeks. People with different chronic diseases attend together. Subjects include:

Techniques to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, pain, and isolation;
Appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, and endurance;
Appropriate use of medications;
Communicating effectively with family, friends, and health professionals;
How to evaluate new treatments.
Each participant receives a copy of Living with Chronic Conditions and an audio relaxation tape, Time for Healing. Classes are highly participative and build on mutual support, increasing participants confidence in their ability to manage their health and maintain active and fulfilling lives.

For more information, contact the health department (828) 649-3531.

Be a Quitter!!!

Free Call. Free Quit Coach. Free Quit Plan.


We can help you draw the line.


Quit-line to help North Carolinians stop smoking

Written by Alyssa Marcus

Saturday, 15 January 2011 13:26 NC News Network

(RALEIGH) — A new program from the North Carolina Health and Wellness Trust Fund is helping people to quit smoking.Doctor Laura Gerald says the fund has launched the first-ever state mobile campaign aimed to help smokers quit for good. It’s called Quit-Line NC.“Twenty-seven thousand North Carolinians have called the quit line since it was started, and they’re getting tailored quit coaches who will help them quit tobacco,” said Gerald. “The service is free to North Carolinians and it’s supported by the Health and Wellness Trust Fund, the Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch and the Division of Public Health.”
To join the campaign, participants can text “COACH” to 44264. They will receive cessation advice via their mobile phones.

The program went into effect last Wednesday.