Healthy Carolinians

Madison Community Health Consortium
The Madison Community Health Consortium (MCHC), established in 1989, is a Healthy Carolinians’ partnership that seeks to improve the overall health of Madison County citizens. MCHC was state certified as a Healthy Carolinians’ Task Force in 1993, and was one of the first Healthy Carolinians’ partnerships in North Carolina. MCHC networks with community agencies and groups in an on-going process of needs assessment, project development, implementation and evaluation. The consortium has an active membership of individuals, organizations and agencies that meet quarterly. It is led by a coordinator for the consortium and a steering committee. MCHC provides a forum for citizens, community agencies, groups and businesses to identify health issues of Madison County and to seek solutions for those needs. The Madison Community Health Consortium welcomes volunteers that may have a special interest in the health needs of the community. Some MCHC participants contribute to collaborative decision making by attending regular MCHC meetings and/or serving on MCHC committees.

.Using the 2012 Community Health Assessment, the membership identified priority areas to address and current committees have developed action plans that include:

Community Health Committee- Improving Access to preventative care and treatment for Chronic Disease -heart-cancer

Child Health Committee- Improving Access to Child Health Outcomes-obesity-abuse and neglect-dental

Mental Health Committee- Improving Access to Preventative Mental Health Services

Membership in the Madison Community Health Consortium is open to anyone interested in improving the health of the community.

Please contact the health department (828) 649-3531 for more information